Thursday, May 14, 2015

Tech post 5/15

Engineers from Harvard and MIT have just unveiled a paper robot that can transform into an origami animal. Researchers said that this self folding origami machine can cost up to $100 to make and would sell for about $150. These robots fold when they are heated at a certain temperature. The engineers say that this invention will change everyday life for many people.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Tech News 5/8/15

     Mark Changizi has come up with an invention that will help people everywhere that are color blind. The Oxy-Iso glasses are glasses that correct the colors that the color blind people cannot see. Changizi created these glasses by observing humans and some other primates to see how they have evolved to see the colors they could not. Artists who are color blind that have used Oxy-Iso glasses and said that the glasses changed their life.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Do Now 5/5

     If I had the chance to create a new class I would make a photography class. Students will learn how to see things in a photographers perspective using imagination and creativity. This class would meet everyday during school hours. The students will learn how to edit their pictures in Photoshop and other editing software. They will learn the basics of photography and learn how to use their DSLR camera.
     Some things they will learn are changing the ISO sensitivity, shutter speed, aperture and more! Students will work with different lighting to see and use the affects coming from the different light sources. This photography would be very hands on, and make the students think with their left side of their brain to create the perfect shots. Students will display there work to the school and visitors at auctions and try to sell there work. Also students will demonstrate to the teacher how to use their camera as a test to see if they grasped what they were taught. This will show people what they have learned in the class and what they have accomplished throughout the year. 

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Tech News 5/1

The Circuit Scribe pen is used to draw circuits on paper, having there drawings light up. Analyze Russo came up with idea when she tried out a 3D pen and found out that it did not try quickly and the ink was to expensive. She started with a normal Ball Point pen filled with the special circuit ink. You can get a Circuit Scribe kit for as low as $25. This product is made for ages 6 and up. 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Tech News 4/24

Scientists have invented the most advanced solar powered plane called the Solar Impulse 2. The plane has been in development for about 10 years.  The plane has a wingspan of 747 feet with a speed of 40 mph. During a test run the plane flew across the united states and hit the maximum height of 27,000 feet. Next year the Solar Impulse is set to fly around the world using only sunlight.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Wiki Dissection BM

  1. What is the purpose of this Wiki? The purpose of this wiki is to explain disruptive technology in the classroom.
  2. When was the last post? June 23, 2010
  3. How was this Wiki created? Someone created an account on wiki spaces and then designed it.
  4. What would you add to it? Now cell phones are disruptive because its stops the students from paying attention.
  5. What did you learn from it? We learned examples of disruptive technology and we learned about its true definition. 
  6. If you had to create a Wiki with a team, what would be the specific topic (s)? Music groups like Maroon 5.
  7. How can Wikis be used in the classroom or in education? It can teach students how to post there work on technology.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wiki in the class room

I think Wikipedia is ok to use in the class room. It is a good place to find some background on a topic then you can go into depth with a more reliable source. The first video was really good it gave me a lot of information on how to use Wikipedia. The other video was really annoying but it gave me a lot of information also.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Do Now 4/13

     Over spring break I went to Atlantic city for 3 days. It was really boring; I stayed in the hotel and watched Netflix the whole time. I had to go to softball practice almost every single day. Also my family and I went to Hoboken to get ice cream. I also made a new best friend;I call her bestie #1.
      Lauren Francis and I went to the mall two Fridays ago. Also me and Bestie #1 we went to Starbucks. Also I went to nyc and got a prezel from a stand. And I went to down the shore.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

tech news 4/20

There is a new convenient 3d printer that can easily fit into any place in your house. It is called the Cube. This device is 20 in. by 20 in. The cube is kid-safe and is recommended for children ages 8+. You can control the Cube with any mobil device and lets you choose from many options of what to make. This is the fastest and easiest to use 3d printer in the world. All objects made in the cube are made up of PLA plastic. The Cube is starts at the price of $999.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Tech News 3/27

Canon has come up with a camera called the G7 X PowerShot camera. This new camera comes with a bigger and brighter lens. It also comes with an amazing sensor and telephoto zoom. There is a mode and compensation dial and the most popular feature is the 180 degree tilting 3 inch screen. This camera has amazing pixelation.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Tech News 3/19

iShuu has come up with a shoe that can change the patterns of shoes by using E-ink. These patterns can be chosen to match your outfit however, the patterns can only be in black, white, and/or gray. To change the shoe's pattern you use its Bluetooth low-energy recever which is located in the sole of the shoe. There are a variety of customizing options, you can add bows, flowers, straps, and much more. iShuu is saying that this product will enter stores in December and each pair will starts at about $149.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Tech News 3/13

The new MacBook from Apple
  • is 2 lb. light
  • is 13.1 mm thin
  • has 12-inch retina display
  • 2034x 1440 resolution
  • up to 9 hour battery life
  • They come in the colors choices of space gray, silver and gold. 
  • The charging port is 1/3 the size of the current USB port.
  • It is starting at the price of $1299.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

tech news 3/5

The new Nikon DSLR has reached new heights with the Nikon D810A.

  • it has a 36.3 megapixel image sensor 
  • astrophotographers are saying that it is one of the best cameras to use for taking pictures of the stars
  • the camera makes the photos of the starts appear clearer and with a red tint added
  • it has a "long exposure manual mode" than can go from 4-900 seconds
  • great for taking photos of star trails
  • Nikon has does not have a set price yet but they are saying it will cost about $3,000

Friday, February 20, 2015

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Pre-posting

My favorite subject to study in school is biology. Period seven biology is taught by Mr. Maniscalco. Click here for a link to Mr. Maniscalco's website. In period seven biology we are learning about the most important themes of biology: heredity, metabolism, reproduction, homeostasis, evolution, cellular organization and lastly symbiosis. So far we have learned about cellular organization, heredity and reproduction. 

Biology is the study of life, and ecosystems play an important part in life. For example in the tundra biome organisms must be able to adapt to the freezing weather or else they will die. And that is when evolution take place. The organisms slowly evolve so that they adapt to there surroundings. So if there was a bird with feathers and couldn't survive in the tundra, it would evolve into a bird with a thick coat of fur on its wings so it can withstand the freezing  temperature. 

In Mr.Maniscalco's the grading policy is just like every other teachers' in the school. Tests are worth 40 percent, quizzes are 15 percent and projects are 2 percent of your grade. Mr. Man does a great job at teaching our class. My classmates and I make sure we listen to everything he tells us and if we have trouble on something we are learning he gladly provides us with extra help. I really enjoy this biology class. Mr. Maniscalco has a cool way of teaching us so that my classmates and I are having fun and learning! I love biology!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

MIT has come up with a new idea that tracts where you are standing and blows cool air onto you; this idea is called "Cloud Cast".  Cloud Cast is made up of a collection of aluminum rods that are attached to the sealing; the cool air comes out of the rods. There is also a detector that targets where people are standing and slowly lets out the air. The cloud cast is not an ordinary air-conditioning system, it is energy saving and much faster. The inventors are saying it may take years for it to be approved and get into peoples houses.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Do now: Educational Technology and Copyright Law

This article is about copyright and how it protects people from plagiarism. I learned that plagiarizing other peoples work is illegal. And if you want to post a picture that is not yours you should buy a licence to use that picture or give the photographer credit.

Friday, February 6, 2015


     Hi my name is Gabriella. I am 14 years old and a freshman at WRHS. During the fall I play varsity soccer; my position is right defense. As of now I am playing JV and Varsity basketball; I play forward. And in the spring I am going to play softball; I play first base. My favorite thing to do during my free time is to take picture with my Nikon d3200. My dream colleges are University of Miami, Florida State,Florida Atlantic University, and University of Georgia.
    I want to major in medical and become a pathologist. My favorite subjects are Biology and Italian. My least favorite subject is algebra. And I cannot wait to learn more in web 2.0!