Friday, February 20, 2015

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Pre-posting

My favorite subject to study in school is biology. Period seven biology is taught by Mr. Maniscalco. Click here for a link to Mr. Maniscalco's website. In period seven biology we are learning about the most important themes of biology: heredity, metabolism, reproduction, homeostasis, evolution, cellular organization and lastly symbiosis. So far we have learned about cellular organization, heredity and reproduction. 

Biology is the study of life, and ecosystems play an important part in life. For example in the tundra biome organisms must be able to adapt to the freezing weather or else they will die. And that is when evolution take place. The organisms slowly evolve so that they adapt to there surroundings. So if there was a bird with feathers and couldn't survive in the tundra, it would evolve into a bird with a thick coat of fur on its wings so it can withstand the freezing  temperature. 

In Mr.Maniscalco's the grading policy is just like every other teachers' in the school. Tests are worth 40 percent, quizzes are 15 percent and projects are 2 percent of your grade. Mr. Man does a great job at teaching our class. My classmates and I make sure we listen to everything he tells us and if we have trouble on something we are learning he gladly provides us with extra help. I really enjoy this biology class. Mr. Maniscalco has a cool way of teaching us so that my classmates and I are having fun and learning! I love biology!

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